Version 0.7

Validation Configuration

Selecting Validation | Configuration... invokes a dialog that allows users to control some aspects of the validation process.

Loose Checking Loose and Strict Checking are mutually exclusive boolean properties that control the use of data types versus regular expressions on a macro level. Loose means that data validation should be carried out using the least restrictive method available. See the Loose versus Strict explanation below.
Maximum Errors Per File This is the maximum number of structural errors that can occur before validation of a file is aborted. Recovering from structural errors is difficult for the validator and a single structural error can lead to the logging of many spurious errors. Setting this property to a lower value will reduce the size of the error report.
Show Empty Attribute Errors A boolean property that controls the logging of errors for attributes that do not contain a value but are otherwise structurally sound.
Show Empty Content Errors A boolean property that controls the logging of errors for tags that do not contain data or tags but are otherwise structurally sound.
Strict Checking Loose and Strict Checking are mutually exclusive boolean properties that control the use of data types versus regular expressions on a macro level. Strict means that the most restrictive method available should be used. See the Loose versus Strict explanation below.
Validate Content A boolean property that controls the logging of data content errors. Setting this value to false will cause the validator to stop validating data content against data types or regular expressions.
Validate Entities A boolean property that controls the logging of character entity validation errors. As of release 0.7.1, users can constrain character entities with regular expressions. Users must select Validate Content and Validate Entities for character entity validation to occur.

Loose and Strict Checking have meaning both at a macro and micro level. The macro level controls how data validation will be handled for all the elements in an SDD. At the micro level, SDD developers can specify a local override of the macro setting. The table below summarizes the application's behavior--the order in which it will select the different types of validation--in various circumstances. The ultimate default if DataTypes or an RGX have not been specified is an empty DataType.

Element Level (keyword in SDD)
Default Loose Strict
  1. Use DataType
  2. Use Regular Expression
  1. Use DataType
  2. Use Regular Expression
  1. Use Regular Expression
  2. Use DataType
  1. Use Regular Expression
  2. Use DataType
  1. Use DataType
  2. Use Regular Expression
  1. Use Regular Expression
  2. Use DataType