Version 0.9

SDValidator Help Pages: Menus

Option: Usage:
 New | SDD File Opens a new SDD tab.
 New | Data File Opens a new Text tab.
 Open | SDD File... Invokes a file open dialog dedicated to SDD type files. The selected file(s) will be openned in SDD tabs.
 Open | Data File... Invokes a file open dialog. The selected file(s) will be openned in Text tabs.
 Save Saves the tab that currently has focus. If the tab to be saved is not associated with a file, a file save dialog will be invoked.
 Save As... If the tab with focus is an SDD or SDD Developer tab, a dedicated SDD file save dialog will be invoked. In all other cases (Text or Error tabs), a generic file save dialog will be invoked. If the file is successfully saved, the name of the tab will change to reflect the saved file's new name.
 Close Closes the tab that currently has focus. If the tab contains modified content, the user will be prompted to save the tab's data.
 Save All Invokes save on all SDD, SDD Developer, and Text type tabs. Error tabs are excluded.
Close All Invokes close on all tabs (SDD, Text, and Error).
 Print... Invokes a print dialog to initiate printing. The font of the printed document will be the same as the font used in the application. If line wrapping is turned off, linenumbers will appear in the printed copy.
Exit Exits the application. You will be prompted to save the data in any tabs containing modified content.

Option: Usage:
 Undo Undoes the last edit operation in the list of previous edit operations.
 Redo Redoes the last edit operation in the list of undone edit operations.
 Cut For an SDD or Text tab, the selected text is removed.
For an SDD Developer tab, the selected element node will be removed.
 Copy For an SDD or Text tab, the selected text is placed in the system clipboard.
For an SDD Developer tab, the selected element node will be placed in the system clipboard..
 Paste For an SDD or Text tab, the contents of the system clipboard are inserted.
For an SDD Developer tab, if the contents of the system clipboard is an element node, the node will be inserted.
Select All Selects all the content of the currently focused tab.
Manage Aliases... Invokes a dialog to allow for adding, removing, and changing aliases and alias groups. This dialog also allows users to change the current alias group. (See How to Use Aliases.)
Export Aliases... Enables users to save one or more groups of aliases into an external file. (See How to Use Aliases.)
Import Aliases... Imports aliases saved into an external file. (See How to Use Aliases.)
 Apply Alias Inserts the selected alias. (See How to Use Aliases.)
Case Conversion |
Converts the selected text to uppercase.
Case Conversion |
Converts the selected text to lowercase.
Case Conversion |
Initial Case
Converts the first character of every word in the selected text to uppercase. All other characters are set to lowercase.
Trim Whitespace |
Removes whitespace at the beginning of lines in the entire file or selected text.
Trim Whitespace |
Removes whitespace at the end of lines in the entire file or selected text. Newlines are preserved.
Trim Whitespace |
Reduces multiple contiguous instances of whitespace with single spaces in the entire file or selected text. Newlines are preserved.
Trim Whitespace |
Applies the Leading and Trailing operations to the begin and end of lines respectively and the Multiple operation to the text. These operations affect the entire file or the selected text. Newlines are preserved.
Manage Character Entities... Invokes a dialog that allows for loading character entities and adding them to the list of character entities for insertion. (See How to Use Character Entities.)

Option: Usage:
 Find Replace... Invokes a find-replace dialog that allows users to perform various types of find or replace operations. See Using Find-Replace.
 Repeat Repeats the previous search from the current cursor position.
Goto Line... Invokes a dialog that allows users to jump to a specific line number.

Option: Usage:
Set Look and Feel... Invokes a dialog that allows users to change the look and feel of the application.
Settings... Invokes a dialog to change various configurable properties of the application.
Font Display... Invokes a dialog to alter the font, foreground, and background color of the SDD or Text tab that has focus.
 Line Wrapping Tracks and changes the line wrapping status of the SDD or Text tab with focus.

Option: Usage:
Configuration... Invokes a dialog to configure the behavior of the validator.
 Load SDD File... Compiles the selected SDD file.
Set Default SDD... Invokes dialog to change the Default SDD.
Load Default SDD Compiles the Default SDD.
 Validate |
Validates all the files in a directory.
 Validate |
Validates one or more selected files.
 Validate |
Current File
Validates the contents of the focused Text tab using the Current SDD.
Check Spelling |
Spell checks all the files in a directory using batch mode checking.
Check Spelling |
Spell checks one or more selected files using batch mode checking.
Check Spelling |
Current File
Spell checks the contents of the focused Text tab using batch or interactive mode checking.

SDD Development
Option: Usage:
Develop |
New SDD...
Invokes a dialog asking for the type of SDD to be developed followed by an empty SDD Developer tab.
Develop |
Current SDD
Opens an SDD Developer tab loaded with the Current SDD.
 Compile SDD Compiles the SDD in the SDD tab that currently has focus.
Make Template Opens a Text tab and fills it with a template generated from the current SDD.
Make XML Schema Opens a Text tab and fills it with an XML Schema generated from the current SDD.
View SDD Types... Invokes a dialog that displays information on the SDDTypes available to the application.

Option: Usage:
 Help... Starts a web browser to display help for the application in an html format.
 Check Version... Compares the version of the application that the user is running with the latest version on the application's web site.
 About... Invokes dialog containing information regarding the application and the user's environment. There is also a link to the application's home page.

SDD-Tab Popup
Option: Usage:
 Cut The selected text is removed.
 Copy The selected text is placed in the system clipboard.
 Paste The contents of the system clipboard are inserted.
Select All Selects all the contents of this tab.
 Compile SDD Compiles the SDD in this tab.

Text-Tab Popup
Option: Usage:
 Cut The selected text is removed.
 Copy The selected text is placed in the system clipboard.
 Paste The contents of the system clipboard are inserted.
Select All Selects all the contents of this tab.
 Apply Alias Inserts the selected alias.
Validate Current File Validates the contents of the focused Text tab using the Current SDD.